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From: stef@alpha.IXO.COM (Stephan Kortleven)
Subject: Gadtools problems
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Hello all,
could somebody help me with next problem. I'm trying to work with the
gadtools gadgets and dit'nt find a way to change te size of the arrows from the
GTScroller. I'm having always the same result, a vertical scroller of 100 pixels
will be diveded by 2. Half part for the scroller en half part for the arrows.
So, you will get arrows of 25 pixels high. I dont know, but that is not what i
am surching for. Let's say a arrow of then pixels will be fine. So, my question
How can change this size ?
To the blitz creators:
I understand, it's not always possible to bring fast a new update or version out
like the one we all are waiting for, "Bum7". Still, is there no posibiliti to
get a recent version like "Bum6" i'm still using "bum5" now, you know. I will
pay for it if nesecery. Where could i find it ? The same about the comments on
the box when i byed blitz. Very usefull progs like intuition planner you printed
on it. Where could i find them ? Is there any bbs/net on the world that still